Saturday, August 22, 2009

New ICTY website

I hadn't visited the ICTY website for some time and was surprised by the new look. You have now access to the court documents and can search in them. For this section you need to register. Their is also a section "Voice of the Victims" where you will find quotes from testimonies and a section "Statements of Guilt". The quotes of the victims link to full testimonies that seem to have been edited for readability - they miss all the interrupting questions that can make live court testimonies so boring.

1 comment:

jean frankel tries to murder me of ideas for action llc said...

I remind everyone, when I attended those ICC Preparatory Meetings in 2001, witnessing
first hand the country plenipotentiary representatives present with me discussing so
openly, trading judicial funding of a new international criminal court, for its direct
judicial appointments and judicial verdicts, those same state powers were


those same countries and people were already simultaneously, funding the already
established ICTY which was issuing at that time, arrest warrants for Bosnian Serbs
under false primary diplomatic pretenses.

The ICTY and ICC is just where it should be for once.
Cornered and backed into and an international wall, scared like a corned animal (and I
bet it reacts in the same way a rabid cornered animal does too in such circumstances).
(ICTY associates)
(Evidence Agaisnt the ICTY)
(Documents: Hague war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has destroyed

all material evidence about the monsterous KLA Albanian/KLA organ trade in Kosovo)

I believe strongly that ICYU assocaites murdered former Serb President, Slobodan

Milosevic, tried to murder
me, as well and other Serbs prisoners and presently places , Doctor Radovan Karadzic’s
life in direct danger as well as Ratko Mladic’s life in danger should he be brought there.

The ICTY has no other choice than to halt all further court proceedings against, Doctor
Radovan Karadzic, and others there both serving sentences and awaiting trials.
Miss JIll Louise Starr (The UN Security Council has no choice but to act on this now).

I accuse the Hague ICTY war crimes tribunal of attempted assassination on my life and

others, contempt of court and obstruction of international justice and "international

witness tampering" in complicity with Richard Holbrook and Bill Clinton (Former US

President of the USA) as well as political playersin Spain and the Netherlands .

I represented the state interests' of the Former Yugoslavia, in Darko Trifunovic’s
absence in those meetings and I am proud to undertake this effort on Serbia’s behalf.